Beberapa hari lalu aku dapet message dari seorang teman. Isinya tentang sebut panti asuhan yang berada dipelosok Bali. Nah dimessage dari itu disertai link, ternyata isinya pic dari panti asuhan itu. Miris banget deh liat nya Udah letaknya jauh dari keramaian, eh, jauh dari 'layak' juga. Tapi mau bagaimana, panti itu dikelola sendiri oleh Pak Mujib yang notabene adalah supir angkot. Plus, panti itu berada di wilayah yang mayoritas penduduknya adalah non muslim. Bali gitu loch!! Gimana pun aku musti banyak-banyak besyukur karna masih ada orang-orang berhati mulia seperti Pak Mujib ini. Yang masih memiliki kepekaan sosial.
Naahh... di message itu juga ada id Yahoo seseorang yang bisa dimintai keterangan or info soal panti itu. Awalnya sih aku ragu n takut juga. I mean...ada banyak pertanyaan dalam hati, such as.."orangnya lagi sibuk ga ya, bisa diganggu ga ya...." n somethin like tht dech. Udah gitu, aku kan lom ada dana, baru mau tanya2 aja dulu. Antara penasaran dan takut lebih banyak penasaran jadi dengan berbekal bismillah, aku pm aja. Ternyata si mbak ini baik bgt...she explain everything. Denger ceritanya, aku makin pengen nyumbang, malah pengen banget bisa kesana.
Akhirnya pas waktu ishoma, aku tanya soal uang infak bulan ini sama Ita (dia kolektornya). Ternyata uang bulan ini belom disumbang kemana-mana n aku boleh sumbangin klo ada tempat. Wah aku seneng bgt kan namanya pucuk dicinta pangeran datang (hehehe). Ya udah, uang yang ga terlalu banyak itu aku transfer aja ke tempat mbak Nana, untuk disumbang ke panti itu. Rasanya seneeng bgt deg bisa berbagi.
Pas aku infokan ke mbak Nana, dia bilang dia syok. Padahal beberapa menit kemudian, dia yang bikin aku kaget. Gara2nya sih sepele, dia tanya, apa uang itu boleh diberikan barang yang dibutuhkan. Buat aku itu mengejutkan, karna bagi kami (aku-lah) disini, apa yang sudah diberikan ya udah jadi hak penerima, terserah mau diapakan. Ehhh dia masih minta ijin, biar afdol katanya. Hal simpel itu bikin aku kaget.
Ya udah aku bilang sama dia, terserah mau dirupakan apa, kan dia yang lebih tau kebutuhan disana.
Hari itu, aku banyak bgt dapet nikmat. Aku dapet perasaan menyenangkan karna dah bisa berbagi, walau cuma sebagai perantara. Aku dapet pelajaran tentang menghargai orang lain dan selain itu, aku jadi dapet saudari baru. Sampai hari ini aku n mbak Nana masih chat.
Thank You very Much Allah 4 all things, all lessons tht u've gave me....
And 4 u sis, Welcome to my Life.....Hope Allah bless this Friendship..
16 Jun 2006
Woman in Islam
A few months ago I got a new friend from YM. After all asl questions, he told me that he interested to know about Islam and started asking me about my feeling being a Moslem gal. He thinks that Islam is being unfair to woman. There are so many rules and restriction for woman in Islam. Theres no freedom at all. Just like what he saw in Saudi Arabia where woman seemed had to rights at all.
I was quite shocked with his entire question from polygamy to veil, from clothes to oral sex. I felt sorry for him. I mean, with all of those questions, he should find someone whose expert in this, not me. Im only a gal with so little knowledge. Its a shame, I admitted, but thats the way it is. On the other hand, Im glad God send me this guy who makes me realize that I must deepen my knowledge about my own faith. Something Ive been carried even before I was born and will carry it for the rest of my life.
So, at that moment I can only told him that I never felt not free as Muslim. About what he saw in Saudi Arabia, well I told him that he had to look carefully. I mean although SA is a Moslem country, in fact Islam was born there, but not all of things that come from SA is Islam. It could be SAs tradition.
Here in Indonesia, where most of the people are Moslems, we woman can have good education, a proper work, an opportunity as much as men, but still can do our obligation as Muslim.
Its little bit hard to convince him that Islam respect woman. That Islam never abandon woman, especially after what he saw in SA, plus my limited knowledge & my limited vocabulary.
A few weeks after that chat, I found this book called Proud to be Muslimah (In Indonesian) that explain all negative thinking about Islams policy on woman, all misinterpretation on womans position in Islam. This book consists of 7 chapters that explain about Polygamy, Divorcement, Inheritance, Leadership, Violence, Womans Testimony and Jilbab (veil??). I got lots of knowledge after reading it, especially on those 7 issues.
This book explains all the reason behind all restrictions/rules on woman. Here, youll that man and woman is equal both in reward and punishment.
Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily, to Him will We give a new life, a life that is good & pure, and we will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their action.
In fact, Islam honoured woman deeply. You can see it from this story that was happened a long time a go.
(I translate it with my own language, May God forgive me).
A long time a go a man come to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. The man asks: Rasulullah, who had the ultimate right to be treated well?Rasulullah saidL Your mother, the man said: whos next? He said:Your mom, the man asked: whos next? He said: Your mother. The man asked: whos next? and He said: Your father.
It shown that Islam do respects woman and never treat woman as second degree community. What ever Islam do on woman, its always for their own safety and for the sake of their own.
Nothings wrong in Islam. When you see something wrong in Muslims attitude, its not Islams fault. Its pure from the person itself since as human being, we are full of mistakes. As human being we have limitedness in interpret ting something. Sometimes, or should I say most of the times, we interpret something based on our ego in order to fill our needs only.
===one day in dec 2005===
I was quite shocked with his entire question from polygamy to veil, from clothes to oral sex. I felt sorry for him. I mean, with all of those questions, he should find someone whose expert in this, not me. Im only a gal with so little knowledge. Its a shame, I admitted, but thats the way it is. On the other hand, Im glad God send me this guy who makes me realize that I must deepen my knowledge about my own faith. Something Ive been carried even before I was born and will carry it for the rest of my life.
So, at that moment I can only told him that I never felt not free as Muslim. About what he saw in Saudi Arabia, well I told him that he had to look carefully. I mean although SA is a Moslem country, in fact Islam was born there, but not all of things that come from SA is Islam. It could be SAs tradition.
Here in Indonesia, where most of the people are Moslems, we woman can have good education, a proper work, an opportunity as much as men, but still can do our obligation as Muslim.
Its little bit hard to convince him that Islam respect woman. That Islam never abandon woman, especially after what he saw in SA, plus my limited knowledge & my limited vocabulary.
A few weeks after that chat, I found this book called Proud to be Muslimah (In Indonesian) that explain all negative thinking about Islams policy on woman, all misinterpretation on womans position in Islam. This book consists of 7 chapters that explain about Polygamy, Divorcement, Inheritance, Leadership, Violence, Womans Testimony and Jilbab (veil??). I got lots of knowledge after reading it, especially on those 7 issues.
This book explains all the reason behind all restrictions/rules on woman. Here, youll that man and woman is equal both in reward and punishment.
Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily, to Him will We give a new life, a life that is good & pure, and we will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their action.
In fact, Islam honoured woman deeply. You can see it from this story that was happened a long time a go.
(I translate it with my own language, May God forgive me).
A long time a go a man come to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. The man asks: Rasulullah, who had the ultimate right to be treated well?Rasulullah saidL Your mother, the man said: whos next? He said:Your mom, the man asked: whos next? He said: Your mother. The man asked: whos next? and He said: Your father.
It shown that Islam do respects woman and never treat woman as second degree community. What ever Islam do on woman, its always for their own safety and for the sake of their own.
Nothings wrong in Islam. When you see something wrong in Muslims attitude, its not Islams fault. Its pure from the person itself since as human being, we are full of mistakes. As human being we have limitedness in interpret ting something. Sometimes, or should I say most of the times, we interpret something based on our ego in order to fill our needs only.
===one day in dec 2005===
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